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VelociHOST Reduces Cloud Costs and Improves Service Quality


Small and medium sized businesses are struggling to adopt IT digital transformation as traditional cloud service providers have structured their service offerings, fixed plans, and pricing with large corporations in mind. VelociHOST seeks to provide enterprise-class cloud services with a pricing structure suitable for SMBs, sensible and open human customer service as core principles of business sustainability, reliability, and scalability that customers expect from their cloud service providers.

VelociHOST delivers solutions for those SMBs by investing heavily in its own infrastructure and deploying cloud services that include VPS and bare-metal servers. It also offers cloud GPU servers at price points that fit the budgets of entrepreneurs. Read More.

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Reduce your cloud costs

Click below and sign up to deploy cloud computing resources, including VPS Servers, Bare Metal Servers and Dedicated Servers with GPU.

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