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Data Portability

How can I download my content/data from my VelociHOST services?

If you need to access and download data from your VPS, Dedicated Servers (Bare Metal servers), or Shared Web Hosting, we have different resources available to make this as easy as possible. Backing up your data from any of your VPS and Dedicated Servers works the same as any other file transfer operation you may be familiar with. We have the following tutorials available that can help you achieve this in How to make backups of your VPS and Dedicated Servers?

What if my VPS or Dedicated Server is inaccessible or not online?

For VPS servers you can use the VNC console from the VPS Control Panel for out of band access. Additionally, for Dedicated Servers you can use the IPMI management portal to have access to your server’s KMS functionality. In any case, you can always contact us if you need us to guide you through the process. Our contact form is located here


Last updated: January 24, 2020.

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